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Here you find everything about editing your screens section.

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Written by Heyflow
Updated over a month ago

Screens are the fundamental structure of your Heyflow, allowing you to design seamless user experiences.

In this FAQ, we'll explore how screens work, how to customize them, and how they enhance user interaction. Whether you're creating a simple form or a complex flow, optimizing screens will help you master engagement and conversions. Let’s dive in!


How can I add a screen?

You can either scroll down to your last screen and click on Add screen, or right-click on any screen and choose Add screen.

How can I delete a screen?

Right-click on the screen you want to delete and choose Delete.

How can I change the order of my screens?

Click on the screen you would like to move. Drag it to the wanted position in your heyflow and drop it there.

How can I copy and paste a screen?

You can either copy and paste your screen by right-clicking on the specific screen or duplicate it and then drag and drop it to the right place in your flow.

How can I rename a screen?

Renaming your screen seems like a trivial action, but there are actually several reasons on why we strongly recommend doing so.

You will have a better overview in your Analytics Dashboard. Implementing Conditional Logic to your flow will be much easier. Additionally your URL endings will look more trustworthy. And last but not least, Tracking will become easier, since we send the screen name in the event data layer.

Here's how to change the name of your screen: You can either click on the name of the screen and edit it right away, or use right-click to select the option Rename.


Right-click is not working

If you are using the trackpad on your Mac or the Apple Magic Mouse, it can be that with your current settings, the right-click doesn't work.

You may need to check your Trackpad/AMM settings to see what you have assigned as your secondary click. This will indicate what action you need to do to open the menu:

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