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Written by Heyflow
Updated over 11 months ago

With TrustedForm you can provide proof of consent for leads you generate, ensuring TCPA compliance with regulations and reducing legal risks. Integrate it to your flow to automatically receive certificates for every response.

❗ Note: TrustedForm only works in standalone flows, but not embedded.


  1. Sign up for free at TrustedForm Certify.

  2. Within your heyflow, go to Integrate and then to the tab Analytics.

  3. Click on TrustedForm and set a system label for the certificate URL (Fallback is xxTrustedFormCertUrl).

  4. Optionally, you can set a system label for the ping url (fallback is xxTrustedFormPingUrl).

  5. Optionally, you can also set an identifier to group sessions (i.e. be able to group certificates by flow).

  6. Toggle sandbox if you want to test generate certificates

  7. Potentially, you want to set fields as sensitive if they shouldn't be in your trustedform certificates

  8. Click on connect and the integration is live!


After turning on the integration, certificates will automatically be generated and added to the flow submission. The certificates' URLs will be shown in the flow response.


If you want to make use of ActiveProspects TrustedForm automatic certificate retention, you need to verify your domain with TrustedForm and also host the flow on that domain. You cannot use for this. Learn more about guarantee certificate availability with Retain here.

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