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A/B testing with Heyflow

Experiment with flow variations and make data-based decisions about your heyflow.

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Written by Heyflow
Updated over 5 months ago

Optimize your heyflow’s performance by comparing different flow variants with our A/B testing feature!

You can fully customize and design all screens on both versions, let them run against each other, compare comprehensive statistics and make informed decisions based on the better-performing version.

Check out our FAQ about A/B tests or learn how to run an A/B test in six easy steps below!

(Click on each step to get more details👇)

How to run an A/B test with your heyflow

  1. Build your heyflow

    Before you can start an A/B test, you need to create your baseline flow — the original version that you'll be comparing the variant against. Build your flow as usual, ensuring that the baseline represents your current design and content.

  2. Click on “Create A/B test”

    Once your baseline flow is ready, click on “Create A/B test” to start the setup.

  3. Prepare the variant

    Now it's time to create a variant of your baseline flow. You can modify anything on any screen — add or delete blocks and screens, change the design or use a different copy. If needed, you can also make changes to the baseline flow itself.
    Make sure to switch to the right variant when editing your heyflow!
    Remember that while experimenting is valuable, it's important not to make overly drastic design differences between the baseline and the variant to get comparable results.

  4. Click on publish and start the A/B test

    When you’re done building and designing your flow variants, click on “Start A/B test” in the top right corner. This will publish both variants of your flow.

  5. Monitor performance analytics

    While the A/B test is running, you can monitor its performance in real time via the Analytics dashboard. There you’ll find insights about user interactions, drop-off points and other relevant metrics. We recommend keeping an eye on the conversion rate of your variants.

  6. End test and proceed with the better-performing version

    Once you’ve gathered enough data and made a decision which version of your heyflow you want to proceed with, you can click on “Stop A/B test” in the top right corner. This will discard the other variant and the testing analytics.

FAQ — Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is an A/B test?
    An A/B test is a controlled experiment where two versions of a heyflow are directly compared to determine which one performs better in terms of user engagement and conversions. It helps you make data-driven decisions about your design and content choices.

  2. Why should I run one/ what are the advantages of an A/B test?
    Running an A/B test allows you to optimize your heyflow's effectiveness. It helps you understand what design and content changes resonate with your audience, leading to higher conversion rates and improved user experiences. Or ultimately, a better return on your investment.

  3. How does an A/B test work?
    An A/B test splits your traffic evenly between different versions of your heyflow (50:50) — the baseline and variant. By using the integrated Analytics dashboard and comparing how users interact with each version, you can identify which design and content elements are more effective.

  4. What to consider before you get started
    When creating variants, avoid making drastic design differences that could skew the results. Focus on testing specific elements to gain accurate insights.

  5. What can I change about the variant?
    You can change pretty much anything about your variant — add or delete blocks and screens, change design elements like fonts or colors, or use a different copy.
    You have Heyflow’s full building flexibility when designing your flow variant.

  6. How long should I run an A/B test?
    The duration of an A/B test depends on factors like your flow's traffic volume and the changes you're testing. It's generally recommended to run tests long enough to gather statistically significant data, which might vary based on your goals and audience.
    We recommend running your A/B tests for at least one week, in order to have an evenly distributed user behavior.

  7. What happens with the traffic data once the A/B test is completed?
    All the relevant data will be stored, even after a test has concluded. At this stage, however, you will not be able to access insights (Analytics, Screens) of previous tests. We might add this functionality at a later stage.
    Note: Your analytics dashboard will revert to its normal view and show the total events (from both Baseline and Variant) in the selected timeframe.

  8. I keep on reloading my flow but always get the same variant

    The different variants are selected by IP address. This means that no cookie is required. To get a different variant, change your IP address at the router or via VPN.

  9. Can I duplicate a heyflow with an active A/B test?

    Yes, you can duplicate a heyflow with an active or created A/B test. The duplication process will work like a normal duplication and create a new heyflow based on the baseline of the duplicated flow. The duplicated flow will not feature an active or created A/B test.

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