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How to connect your heyflow with Recruitee

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Written by Heyflow
Updated over 10 months ago

Recruitee is one of the most popular applicant tracking systems worldwide. With our integration, you can map Heyflow fields to Recruitee fields and track Heyflow responses as new candidates in Recruitee.

This article covers

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Important to note

❗ All Heyflow blocks that you want to map to properties in Recruitee need to have a System label set.

Initial Setup

  1. Within your heyflow, go to “Integrate” and then to the tab “Response Handlers”.

  2. Click on Recruitee and then on “Add account”.

  3. A popup window will appear and ask you to provide the name of your recruitee account, your company ID and an API key. This information can be found in your Recruitee settings.

  4. After you have confirmed your account, you can start to map fields.

Where to find your company ID and API token in Recruitee

You can either click on this link or follow the instructions below:

  1. Click on the gear icon in the bottom left corner

  2. Scroll down to the “Apps and Plugins” section

  3. Click on “Personal API tokens”, here you can see your company ID

  4. To generate a new token, click on the “+ New token” button in the top right corner

  5. Give your token a name and it will appear below the company details

Mapping fields

In order to see the correct Heyflow fields in your Recruitee fields, you need to map the responses. Please note again that all blocks you want to map need to have a system label set. This is how you can map your fields:

  1. In the Recruitee integration tab, choose a Heyflow field and then select its corresponding Recruitee counterpart.

  2. Repeat this process for all relevant fields and click on “Save changes” afterward.

  3. And that’s it, you will now receive your Heyflow responses as new candidates in Recruitee!

❗If you’d like to upload CVs with the Remote CV URL field in Recruitee, “Link access” needs to be activated. You find this in your flow settings under Uploads.

Assign candidates to a specific Recruitee job posting

You can assign candidates to a specific Recruitee job posting by sending the job ID.

Step 1: Find the job ID

The job ID is found in Recruitee itself. Open Jobs from the sidebar and find the relevant job in the job list. Hover over the job ID, listed to the right of the job. Click copy the ID to your clipboard.

Alternatively, you can open the job you are looking for and copy the ID, saved next to the job name at the top of the page.

Step 2: Insert information in Heyflow

To send the job ID in your response, we need to set it up in Heyflow and map the corresponding field to the field Job GUID in the Recruitee integration as described before.

If you are using multiple job postings in one flow, you can simply insert the job ID as the system label for each option:

If you're using a single job posting in your flow, you can prefill the job ID information in a hidden input field. Learn more about hidden input fields here.

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