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Connect a domain with IONOS
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Written by Heyflow
Updated over 9 months ago

This article will explain how to connect your domain purchased from IONOS to your Heyflow. IONOS is a European internet hosting provider.

🔎 If you haven't already created your domain in heyflow, start here.

Connecting a subdomain

At Domain & SSL, navigate to DNS. On this page, click Record hinzufügen.

Chose Typ: CNAME. The Hostname is your Subdomain. Zeigt auf is TTL is 1 Stunde. Click on Speichern.

That's it. Now, you can go back to Heyflow and finish the Domain setup.

Connecting a root domain

IONOS does not allow you to set up a CNAME record on a root domain, e.g., only subdomains.

💡 The solution: If you want to connect your root domain directly to a Heyflow, you have to set up a subdomain, e.g. www, and redirect your root domain to it.

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