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Dynamic Domain

Learn how to set up a Dynamic Domain that magically connects all your flows on directory-level

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Written by Heyflow
Updated over a month ago

With a standard domain, one flow is available on one domain. With the Dynamic Domain, all your heyflows are available on one domain. Magically!

In addition to the flow that is served at the root of your domain, e.g., the Dynamic Domain allows serving all your flows simply by adding /<heyflow-ID> at the end of the domain.

โ— This feature is not available on all plans. Take a look here to see if it's included in your plan.

Let's assume you have set up as a Dynamic Domain. Further, let's assume you have 3 flows published, with the following IDs: flow-a, flow-b, and flow-c.

With Dynamic Domain set up, all your flows are available via

Flow ID





This concept can also be applied to several Dynamic Domains.


Setting up a Dynamic Domain is done in two simple steps:

1. Connect your domain

Connect your domain as you would normally. When you have successfully connected your domain, it will look like this โ€“ with a green connected bubble.

๐Ÿ”Ž See this guide on how to connect a domain.

2. Activate your domain as a Dynamic Domain

Once connected, click the three dots on the right of the domain, and click activate as dynamic domain.

That's it. Now all your flows are available via your domain, simply by adding the heyflow ID at the end of the URL.

The naked domain, e.g., will serve the flow for which you have set up the domain in the first place. This is also where you can deactivate the Dynamic Domain.

3. Set up your custom paths (optional)

The flow path is the part of your URL that appears after the domain name when using our default or dynamic domains. By default, this is usually your flow ID. You can personalize this "domain slug" to make your URLs more meaningful or branded.

โ€‹1. Go to flow settings
Navigate to the General section within your flow settings.

2. Enter a new path
Type your desired path in the designated field. Make sure to use a unique path name, which is not used by another flow.

โ— Important: Please only use lowercase letters, numbers and valid special characters for your flow path. Uppercase letters and spaces are not allowed.

3. Save your changes
Click Update, and your new path will go live instantly! So please make sure to update your URLs accordingly.

Thatโ€™s itโ€”your updated flow path is now visible to you and your visitors.

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