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Heyflow offers an easy solution to gather the lead information collected through your clickflow into your Airtable workspace

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Written by Heyflow
Updated today

Map Heyflow fields to Airtable fields to easily send information from your Flow to Airtable and track incoming responses as new rows.

Follow up on new leads quickly and manage your sales pipeline more efficiently.

Heyflow-Symbol verbunden mit Asana-, Excel-, Todoist-, Jira Software-, Airtable-, CSV-Datei- und Monday-Symbolen

Important to note

❗ All data that you want to map needs to have a System Label set (alternatively, the field needs to be set as a variable)

❗ When tracking new Heyflow responses in Airtable, all unmapped information will not be saved. Also, it's currently not possible to overwrite any rows.


1.Within your Flow, go to Integrate and then to the tab Response Handlers

2. Click on Connect to Airtable, a pop-up window will appear and ask you to provide your Airtable credentials and select the workspace you want Heyflow to have access to.

3. Select the Airtable account you would like to connect to and click on Select Account. Also, select your base and table.

4. Choose a Heyflow field and then select its corresponding Airtable counterpart. Repeat this process for all relevant fields and click on Save changes afterward.

And that’s it, you will now receive your responses as rows in Airtable!

Tracking URL Parameters

If you want to pass URL/UTM parameters from your flow to Airtable, you need to set up a hidden input field to capture the data. Once set up, you can map these input fields to corresponding fields in your response handler of choice.

The UTM parameters will then be automatically passed along with each response—without your visitors noticing. 🚀


Integration Error

If you have received an email from Heyflow saying that there is a problem with the Airtable Integration, this may be due to the OAuth token being invalid and in need of re-authentication. Here’s how you reconnect your Airtable integration:

1. Go to the Integrations tab in your Heyflow account:

2. Select the Airtable integration and click on ‘Manage accounts’:

3. A pop-up will open where you can then click on ‘Reconnect’:

4. Now you are ready to republish your Heyflow!

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