Add a loader to your heyflow that redirects the user automatically elsewhere, even with a custom loader animation.
Adding the loader block
In the blocks tab, navigate to “navigation” and drag the laoder block into your heyflow
Adjust the settings such as wait time and navigation as needed
Just publish your heyflow and you’re good to go!
Custom loader animation
You can also add your own animation visual. Simply upload e.g. a GIF in the loader block. We recommend uploading a GIF with an infinite loop.
Edit Options
Disabled: While editing, disable the post-animation action.
Wait time in seconds: Insert your desired wait time in seconds until the user is automatically redirected elsewhere.
Navigation: Designate where the user is redirected after the loader animation.
Top, Bottom, Left and Right: You can use these options to set the distance to all sides. To do this, either use the slider or specify the exact number of pixels.
Visibility: Here you can select whether the block is only displayed in the mobile or desktop version or whether it is hidden completely.
Background colour: You can select a colour to be used as the background for the block.
Custom visual: Upload your own, custom animation.