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[Variation of Button block]This block submits the user's inputs to the Heyflow servers that then delivers it to you via the integrations.

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Written by Heyflow
Updated over 2 months ago

The submit button is the all-important button in your flow. Because only after your users click on it is a response triggered, and you have a new conversion. At the same time, the response handlers you have set up are triggered.

Without a submit action in your flow, you won't be able to collect any information. You should also be aware that the use of more than just one submit actions in your flow may lead to inconsistent and distorted data.

Adding the submit button

  1. In the blocks tab, navigate to Buttons and drag the submit button into your heyflow

  2. Adjust the settings such as navigation as needed

  3. Just publish your heyflow and you’re good to go!

If you add more than one submit button, you should be aware that each click triggers a new response. This can have a impact on your conversions and negatively influence your analytics data. For this reason, it is recommended that you only use one submit button per flow.

You should also place any relevant data entry before your submit button, otherwise the entry will not appear in the response.

💡 Tip: Prevent duplicate responses by activating the Single submit option. To do this, go to the User Behavior tab in the Settings. This function only applies to one session, therefore users can submit a new response after reloading your flow.

Designing the Submit Button

There are multiple ways to adjust the block even more than described above. Just head to the Design tab and start working on the Presets. In some plans, you can dive even deeper into all spheres of design & look. When working on the presets, you can head to the Styles section on top and start editing every little detail of each section.

Edit Options


  • Navigation: Shows that the navigation is triggered when the flow is sent. If you want a different event to trigger the navigation, you should select a different button.

  • Next action: Select where the user should be navigated to when clicking on the button, such as next screen, to a specific screen, etc.


  • Width: You can use this to adjust the maximum spread of the block and choose between S, M, L and maximum width.

  • Top, Bottom, Left and Right: You can use these options to set the distance to all sides. To do this, either use the slider or specify the exact number of pixels.


  • Visibility: Here you can select whether the block is only displayed in the mobile or desktop version or whether it is hidden completely.

  • Background colour: You can select a colour to be used as the background for the block.

  • Button size: Change the size of the container, text, and icon simultaneously and choose between S, M and L.

  • Content align: Determine how the label text and icon are aligned within the button.

  • Show line 2: Add another line to give show more content on the button.

  • Reverse content: Flip the order of the text and icon within the button.

  • Fit width to content: Shrink the container to only the size of the text and icon.


  • Tracking activated: Send a tracking event when activated.

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